Friday, May 1, 2009

Being nice to me.....

This was yesterday's lunch. In white wine,
with a hint of curry and vegetable stock.
I served it with a few different lentils
and splitpeas cooked with brown rice.

May day feast

Some of the wondeful treats we had this evening
at Tia's. Thank you all so much for a great gathering..

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Still on the right road...

I am delighted with myself. I have stayed focused for the last two days, and I feel the
benefits of that discipline. When I put myself first, and take time to walk or go to the
gym, or even take the time to put an apple or a piece of cheese in my bag, it is me
taking the time to take care of myself. I know the GI diet works for me.

The last few days were strained for me, as I thought I was pregnant. I was two weeks
late in my cycle (very rare for me!), and despite two negative pregnancy tests, I was
really starting to worry. I would always welcome another little soul on board our lovely
family, but the timing seemed wrong, and I feel ready to take my creative side to the
limit now. So another baby (probably a boy) would have changed those plans just a little.

But today, all is back to normal, and I can refocus on myself and what I want to do for me!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Back on track.... again.

I feel like a total disaster with regards to trying
to stay with any weight programme. I was back on
track, then off track and am now trying to stick with
it again. In my head I really want to do this, to be
thinner, healthier, fitter, happier. Why then do I
sabotage it all, and eat badly, and feel awful?

Its a mystery.....

Monday, April 20, 2009

Back on track

I won a voucher for Denis Healy's Organic
Fruit and Veg at the Home Birth Conference
last year. It took me over a year to get to
Leopardstown Market! But so worth it...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Off the wagon...

This week saw me fall off the wagon big time....

I had my chocolate days, and my eating junk days, but none of the foods tasted
particularly nice. I kept trying to get back on track, but I was messing. By today, I was
driving the boys to ENRG, and I craved Almonds and my body was screaming out for water.
But I gave it coffee and chocolate. Yeuk. It tasted so awful, but in my mind it was going to
taste divine.

Back to the gym I went, and had gained almost a pound. This seems ok, considering I was
off my programme, I only had one visit to the gym, and no walks. My hip is in agony, and
I feel so distracted with it.

But, enough of the messing. I worked out on the upper body machines. I'm worried about my
hip, it has been going on a little too long for my liking. I've been in pain since last November.
And I came back to half a litre of water, I washed the dishes, and cleaned out the car.
Strangely, when these things are done before morning, I feel so much more focused, and am
so much more likely to succeed for the rest of the day.

I'm also bursting with creative ideas, and have no-one to bounce them off. This feels frustrating
to say the least.

Tomorrow, we will meet up with Morganna and go to Imaginosity, and then head to Leopardstown Market where I will use a voucher I won at last year's Homebirth Conference, worth €50. I can't wait to have loads of fresh organic fruit and veg.

When I leave to go to the gym, Saul often waves goodbye and says 'I love Ya', but sometimes he
says, 'Bye, Annah, you love yourself', and this is what I need to do. To do these things because
I love myself.....

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Damn you, Chocolate.....

Ok, I fell off the wagon today, big time. In fact, I fell off yesterday.
I had decided I didn't want a big Easter Egg, so I thought I would
buy a little Rolo egg to have a treat, a little treat. The shops seemed
to be all out of Rolo eggs, and offered me Galaxy. As Cal loves the
same Galaxy, I decided to get two.......

And I had one last night, then I had the two of them last night. In

I got up this morning, and went for a lovely walk, and planned to
come back and have coffee and share the Snicker's Egg Michael
had bought me. I had a Snicker's bar, and he took the rest fishing.
See photo. What more does a man need going fishing!

But I would have sold the kids for Chocolate.

Later in the day I took Aubrey, Saul and neighbour Derbhile off
to a payground, and I stopped for two bars of chocolate, which I bought,
I didn't trade the kids off for them.

And then I figured I had blown it for the day, and bought us all
a take away from the chipper.

So there we have it, bread (for the chips), with butter and salt,
chocolate, and then the chips. Help.

I want to write this, and let go of it. I want to start afresh
tomorrow, feeling energised and organised....